The Ancient Egyptian
Heritage and Archaeology Fund
The Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund is a private, non-profit organization with a mission is to support research and conservation on Egyptian history and culture. In particular it seeks to record and publish sites and monuments at risk from agricultural and urban expansion, looting and vandalism and climate change.
Deir el-Ballas
Deir el-Ballas is of great archaeological and historic importance, but the site is at extreme risk from both looting and from the uncontrolled expansion of the neighboring modern town.

Donation Appeal
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund. We have accomplished a great deal in the past decade thanks to many generous contributions, but with new challenges ahead we need your support more than ever.
With many thanks!
Deir el-Ballas 2025, Week 5
The Deir el-Ballas Expedition completed its work on site this past week. At the start of Week 5, we had minimal cleaning and excavation work that took place at the South Palace, under the supervision of Nicholas Brown and Piet Collet. Most work consisted of final on-site documentation and backfilling...
Deir el-Ballas 2025, Week 4
This week on site was our last week of archaeological investigations for the 2025 Season. Up in the north, Ahmed Abdelgawad continued his investigation of the North Palace and mud brick conservation efforts. Highlights of his work this week included discovering a possible rubble-filled doorway between some of the casemates as...