The Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Fund Reports
Deir el-Ballas
Ministry of Antiquities Reports

“As both one of the few substantially preserved pharaonic Egyptian settlements as well as the forward capital for the Theban kings during the Hyksos expulsion, the site of Deir el-Ballas is of great archaeological and historic importance…”
Deir el-Ballas
Ministry of Antiquities Reports

“يعد دير البلاص واحدة من المستوطنات المصرية الفرعونية القليلة الموجودة و المحافظ عليها بشكل كبير وأيضا العاصمة لملوك طيبة أثناء طرد الهكسوس، فإن موقع دير البلاص ذو أهمية أثرية وتاريخية كبيرة…”

Deir el-Ballas in
Current World Archaeology
“Once a military base for imperial expansion in Egypt’s New Kingdom, Deir el-Ballas now faces a new threat: encroaching urban sprawl. Peter Lacovara tells CWA why this city-palace must be preserved….”
Deir el Ballas
by Peter Lacovara

“Critical to our understanding of the development of the royal city of the New Kingdom and the Theban expansion at the end of the Second Intermediate Period is the settlement at Deir el-Ballas…”
Handbook for Deir el-Ballas Pottery
“Pottery appeared early in the Nile Valley at around 8000 years ago in the Khartoum Mesolithic. The pottery of the Predynastic Period….”
“ظهر الفخار مبكرا في وادي النيل منذ حوالي 8000 عام في حضارة العصر الحجري المتوسط
بالخرطوم. ويرتبط فخار عصر…”